Gay men xxx story

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My Dog Took Advantage of Me – This is how I became addicted to my dog. By littleboyblack.Ī Night Out with Tonia! – Tony/Tonia is a crossdressing sissy slut who gets more than he bargained for one night out cruising for anonymous sex with men. One Crazy Night – A midnight encounter leaves this guy with a butt full of dog cum. My Great Dane’s Boy Bitch – A young guy is caught getting fucked by his dog by his sister. Pig in a Poke – A troubled young man is persuaded into taking a job as a hired hand on a farm. Rottweiler Time – A man spots the neigbor’s dog is loose and decides to let it fuck him. Police Bitch – A man gets caught napping in his car and the cop takes advantage of him. The Stand – A man into self-bondage has an encounter with his dog he’ll never forget. By Nathan.įorbidden Desires – A young man finds his first experience in animal sex when he goes cruising in the park. Gringo – Now he’s graduated high school, he could go into the world and find his destiny.

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The Kennel Slut – A young man goes from fantasy to ultimate reality. **By using the term ‘GAY’, this section is about men who get fucked by animals ‘anally’ or suck animal cocks, and sometimes includes consensual gay sex between men.**

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